I think the women are naturally beautiful creatures. But there isn’t over the whole Earth such creature who has the habit of using such a great amount of accessories to change their appearance as the above cited. A different hairstyle each season, colorful makeups following the clothes' color and style. These sweet beings are really experts at the art of adorning themselves. I don’t know how it is for you, but when I see a woman with leather accessories or similar ones that imitates them like vinyl or latex, I get nuts.
Mizuho Lin (Semblant) |
I tried to figure out the reason for it and there isn’t a scientifically proven answer, the women in leather accessories convey some rebelliousness that, in a way, we wish them, a little bit of imprudence with the square fashion that dominates the world nowadays, a refined taste in a society very addicted to fads that come and go. I do believe I achieved some cool conclusions. Leather-like accessories, as vinyl or latex, make men’s hormones boil due to their modeling perfectly the female body.
Angela Gossow( Arch Enemy) |
This type of outfit amplifies the essentially female curves. It works like if we were seeing the woman in her natural state, naked, but it remains a mystery, because she is totally dressed. The cinema always explored the female sensuality and the like-leather clothes since then made the difference. Mainly in the superheroes movies in which these beauties wear clothes to impose themselves before their mortal enemies, but the sensuality that emanates from these beings is so powerful that no enemies can bear it.
Here there are a comparison between two amazing actresses, that nevertheless belongs to different generations. Uma Thurman who starred in the movie The Avengers in 1998. She was, for a long time my favorite vinyl woman, and still is, but Anne Hathaway who starred in Batman this year (2012)- has been shaking my preference. A sensuality show.
André Stanley alcunha de André Luiz Ribeiro é professor e escritor; autor do livro “O Cadáver” (Editora Multifoco – 2013); É membro efetivo da Asso. Dos Historiadores e pesquisadores dos Sertões do Jacuhy desde 2004. Atua hoje como professor e pesquisador de História Cultural. Também leciona língua inglesa, idioma que domina desde a adolescência, Administra e escreve para os blogs: Blog do André Stanley (blogdoandrestanley.blogspot.com) – Sobre História, política, arte, religião, humor e assuntos diversos e Stanley Personal Teacher (stanleypersonalteacher.blogspot.com) onde da dicas de Inglês e posta exercícios para todos os níveis.
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